Info Center

Stand by me - 10 Instruments of employee engagement

Many leaders feel externally controlled nowadys, because employees are no longer so easy to find. Those who are there, often formulate utmost demands for money and freedom. Both are important aspects of employee engagement, motivation, and retention. As a leader, hold the steering wheel in your hands and discuss with your top people which contribution everyone can make to keep the organization attractive and the culture a good place to work. These 10 tools have proven to create a valuable framework for employer branding and engagement:

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Top 10 Workplace Trends point on Remote Challenges - Understand your workforce's needs!

Where and when do you deliver better work results? Working from home or working in a traditional office environment? SIOP's workplace trends are dominated by the challenges of hybrid and remote work as well related emotional, structural, and health conditions. Companies who understand to establish good working options and integrate their employee's needs will not only have a healthier and happier workforce but also be more attractive as employers. Check out the top 10 workplace topics and results of the SIOP trend study.

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Same same but different - Specification of relevant leadership communication notions

"I think, therefore I am" (Cato). That has logic. What is your logic when it comes to motivating, activating, and directing others? Small words often make a big difference. Be a ware of the different meaning of these 6 pairs of notions and avoid confusion, conflict, or even demotivation through your language:

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Do you really care? - Five things people really need in difficult times

People under pressure often spread hustle and bustle. This increases the feeling of pressure on people around them and heightens expectations. The outcomes are rush, restlessness, lack of reflection, activism, and overlooking the human. This is exactly the opposite of the actual needs people have in such moments. In crisis, focus on the following 5 behaviors in particular to really help people around you:

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