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Success Recipe for a Good Life and Healthy Relationships of Value

The bestseller "The 7 habits of highly effective people" by Stephen Covey is one of the most outstanding collections of pragmatic methods and success principles for professional and private life. In a compact edition of the 30th anniversary, Covey gives instructions for self-realization along the success principles. The 7 habits are a good starting point to focus on your own habits regarding effectiveness, success, happiness, and relationship quality in all your social contacts. Here they are:

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The Power of Assessments - in Memoriam Prof. Dr. Heinz Schuler

Unprecedentedly, in his whole lifetime, he never stopped advocating for and explaining the potential of personnel psychology and assessments for job matching, performance, satisfaction, and happiness. Prof. Heinz Schuler, founder of the German-speaking personnel psychology, recipient of the German psychology prize and member of the HR Hall of Fame, passed away on August 3, 2021 at the age of 76 years. His contribution to science and practice continues. Unparalleled, central concepts will remain linked with his legacy for HR managers, organizations and everybody at work:

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Cross the Rubicon - From Call to Action

How do ideas come to action? What happens in your mind between your first thought and its implementation? Why does it need willpower for motivation? Why do some people never exceed lip-service? Do you know sentences like "I would like to want to, I just do not really dare yet?" In order to really come to action, a sequence of 5 steps in your mind is inevitable. Some of it can happen unconsciously, but with some good reasoning and good control you can influence your decisiveness tremendously:

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Modern Sales Success - The 5 New Roles of Sales Professionals

Sales professionals are facing new challenges - no matter if they deal directly with consumers or with business customers. Conventional techniques and best practices in many cases no longer lead to the desired results. Partnerships break apart, loyalty depends on new criteria, satisfaction and long-term collaboration are at stake. For true partnerships, sales people have at least 5 new roles they need to be able to take in order to be successful in the future:

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