Info Center

SalesMOCEAN® – New tool assesses how selling creates partnership

Imagine you are a customer: Do you sometimes have the impression that the person you are talking to comes across as a bit rigid, bureaucratic, or product-focused? Do you ever wonder why exactly you are being addressed by carelessly dropped, inappropriate standard emails from salespeople? Wouldn't you rather have a conversation that is all about your topics, goals, and real needs? If this is the case, it is empirically shown that we are willing to invest together and even create tailor-made services and products in partnership. What does that mean for selling? Standard conversation guidelines at the POS or structured customer relationship management systems have become obsolete. Real partnership goes a significant step further. With the new SalesMOCEAN® tool, you can determine in 6 categories where you stand and what you can and should do in order to be (more) effective and modern in your sales and partnership approach and more successful in business in the long run.

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"Stop judging!" – Why mental speed hinders good listening

We are natural judges. You might think. People like to sort their experiences into their own grid. That is understandable for its help. We come to quicker conclusions and faster next actions. Hence, efficiency is not always wise. In cooperation with others, we often unintentionally do injustice to others with our judgments and cause misunderstandings or even stir up conflicts. Fortunately, it is possible to avoid this if we just follow 3 simple principles:

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Do your employees say yes to their chores? – The secret of effective delegation

Many leaders primarily delegate tasks and requirements sounding like orders. Consequently, they are often perceived as micromanagers. "I am not allowed to do anything", "I am not expected to think" or "That actually was part of my decision?" Truely competency-based leadership does provide room for learning and ensures the opportunity to be proud of what is being achieved. Here are the three categories that define the minimum requirement for effective and real delegation:

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Learning to learn – Why knowledge is not the same as ability

"I know how to do it" – "No, you only think you do!" To get really good in something, we need lots of practice. At the same time, many learning formats are degenerating into information sessions. And motivation to really stretch onerself is dwindling. Effective soft skill learning designs stimulate thoughts and self-reflection. They give room for applied know-how and not just know-what. A deep learning process leads you through these 4 stages:

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