X-Rubicon - Profile, History, Experience - Dr. Marco Behrmann



Implementation Skills


"Why are they not doing it?" - How to strengthen the often neglected implementation skills

Comfort, missing courage, or too little optimism make people say "yes" to projects and agreements and actually often deliver less than wanted if any. Most of the time, there are no consquences. When asked about it, we find good reasons, excuses, pretexts and elusion. So, what do you need to really go from wanting to doing? Here is the recipe for resolutions and projects that really work with 4 starting points:

  1. Clarity: It needs to be very clear where you want or have to go.
  2. Consequences: It must be bad not to go.
  3. Competence: You have to know how to get there.
  4. Cost: Your perceived effort for the journey should not be too high.

"We are knowledge giants, but implementation dwarfs" - as the reknown Rubicon principle supporter Helmut Fuchs quotes. In most cases, we do not fail because of a lack of know-how. We live in an abundance of methods and a flood of defined processes. If we really want to succeed, we need to make the goal really clear and attractive and the pain of failing somewhat hurting. In the work context, leaders face the task to actively influence these variables as implementation boosters by clarifying goals, removing hurdles and supporting people in learning processes through feedback and coaching.

Find further advice for boosting your implementation skills at Helmut Fuchs (2003): Das Rubicon-Prinzip - Ein Selbstmanagement-Programm für mehr Handlungskompetenz und Entscheidungsstärke (German). The Rubicon Principle - A self-management program for more action skills and decision-making power. München: dtv.

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