X-Rubicon - Profile, History, Experience - Dr. Marco Behrmann





Coach me if you can – Why we actually need coaching now

How do you typically solve your challenges? How do you deal with setbacks? What do you do when situations with others become particularly tricky? Do not save on coaching. Effective coaching will give you what you need - although coaching in the textbook sense is intended to enable you to find the solution yourself. Simply put, your coach can employ at least these 7 different approaches:

  • Coaching: asking questions
  • Training: practicing behavior
  • Consulting: giving advice
  • Teaching: imparting knowledge (on methods or soft skills)
  • Counseling: showing empathy & listening
  • Mentoring: providing career advice
  • Sparring: reflecting on behavior

Check carefully what you need in your situation. Describe your needs to your coach. Good coaches are very clear in their role and help you to the spot - with not only pacing or pleasing you. At the same time, you should not receive unwanted advice, useless feedback, or meaningless comments. Also in coaching: less is often more.

Find more background on coaching, its history, procedures, scope, and benefits in the coaching bible handbook by Christopher Rauen (2021)(ed.): Handbuch Coaching (German). Göttingen, Hogrefe.

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